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Behind the Scenes | In the Tank with Bri and Kaycee, CEO & COO of Apolla Performance

Behind the Scenes | In the Tank with Bri and Kaycee, CEO & COO of Apolla Performance

Behind the Scenes | In the Tank with Bri and Kaycee, CEO & COO of Apolla Performance

It’s crazy to think that behind every business there was always an idea… That idea had to spark from somewhere. I am lucky enough to know where Apolla started from and have been able to watch it grow since the beginning of their journey. We go behind the scenes, unedited, today talking to both Bri and Kaycee, the dynamic duo behind Apolla Performance, (and quite honestly two of my role models) who recently made waves on Shark Tank with their innovative product. Join me as they share their journey in the Tank.

What was your first reaction to being accepted on to Shark Tank?

Bri: Holy &*%$!  LOL!  [not sure that is usable but it is the 100% truth...I think it said it 20 times when Kaycee called to tell me] Kaycee had submitted an application in the middle of the chaos of COVID as we were working to expand the brand from dance into mass market. I think in every partnership, there is a the dreamer with big thoughts and ideas and one who is grounded in the im so when she told me about applying for us to Shark Tank, my immediate thought was "yeah, yeah"...and on to the next item of business. To get that call that we were IN definitely earned the "I told you so" from Kaycee. Not only is it something she had envisioned/manifested since we started Apolla but every person we met along the way, who heard our story, would always say "you have such an amazing story, you should apply for Shark Tank". It was a full circle moment for us for sure and a perfect indicator that timing really is everything.

Kaycee: Overwhelming gratitude to God and then, I TOLD YOU SO! Haha! I was always confident we were meant to go on it...it was just about timing. 
Apolla Performance Shark Tank

How much planning and prep went into this?

Kaycee: It is A LOT of work! From the application going in at the end of February 2021, we didn't film until September of 2021, then had to wait to see if we were going to air and doing due diligence with Lori's team. We got 2 weeks notice that we were to air on April 1st, 2022. So for over a year, we were completely consumed. We knew we had an uphill battle for producers to want to film us, we had to stand out from the 40,000+ applications they get every year. So we knew we had to do everything 100% PLUS a cherry on top. The problem was, that no one outside of our immediate family could know what we were doing...so no one knew why we all of a sudden were extra chaotic and stressed. We were not only running our all-consuming company...plus we are wives and moms of two kiddos...but then it was like we had another part-time job on the side that no one knew why we were extra chaotic or M.I.A.

Bri: I've heard this a lot throughout my life and never have the words rang more true than during this experience. Luck=preparation meets opportunity. We had the opportunity and we were going to make sure we met that opportunity full force. That meant everything else in our lives was secondary. The process was all-consuming on top of running the day to day for Apolla and being moms/wives. We studied every episode, all 12 seasons, wrote down every question and made sure, between the two of us, we had the answers. From the outside looking in, we probably looked like a chaotic mess...no one really understood the depth of what we were going through besides each other and our spouses, who really had to step in and pick up the slack for our families during that time. It's always been a bonus for me to be in business with my best friend, someone who knows me inside and out who I can lean on emotionally but also who pushes me to be my best and keep reaching for new heights. But this situation really took that support to another level. We pushed ourselves and each other harder than ever during this time because I think we both realized this was a once in a lifetime opportunity...we never took that for granted!
Apolla Performance Shark Tank

What was your biggest goal?

Kaycee: To get a deal...and we wanted a deal with Lori.  
Bri: We went in wanting a deal with Lori and that's exactly what we did :)

What was the biggest challenge you faced?

Kaycee: There is so much mystery around the filming process and the secrecy you are sworn to. So it is hard to prepare for anything and everything that could be thrown your way! So prepping to know EVERY single detail of your numbers and having the right answer to any curve ball was very challenging. 
Bri: I am a big planner and I like to know what's coming, to be mentally prepared, to feel like you have some control over a situation. The Shark Tank process is completely counterintuitive to that as you never really know if you're in or out. Because of that, we prepared and studied through the entire process LIKE we were going on but really didn't know for sure until a couple weeks before.  There was a lot of anxiety during that time and a great lesson for me in what is meant to be will be.

What was your favorite moment of the entire experience?

Kaycee: Getting off of that sound stage knowing we had accomplished something we had sacrificed so intensely for. Our husbands, our kids, our families had also sacrificed so much for us to be there and to accomplish the goal we set out to do, it meant everything and all I could do was cry with relief and joy, WE DID IT!  
Bri: 1. After we made the deal with Lori, we walked down that long hallway and when we got to the end, the weight of what we had just done, realizing all of the work and sacrifices made, not just from the Shark Tank experience but since Day 1 of starting Apolla...it was incredibly emotional. I remember just hugging Kaycee and feeling such a release combined with endless amounts of gratitude for being there in that moment and being able to see it through to the end. That was a true pivotal moment in our journey as a company.

  1. I remember having an overwhelming need to call my husband and my mom and dad to share the news. I mean, we moved our family out of state and in with my parents for a year so I could work full time for Apolla and prep for Shark Tank. Getting to make those phone calls and being able to hear their pride and excitement was so emotional because, they have supported and sacrificed so much for me to be there in that moment. It was really validating to be able to share that with them and for them to see all of that sacrifice and support really did pay off.
Shark Tank

If you had to give advice to someone looking to go onto shark tank what would you tell them?

Kaycee: Really focus on being authentic to your company and that voice and passion in everything you do from the application through the final filming. Know your numbers and prep your pants off. Be prepared to answer every question from every episode ever made. It is not easy, but it is DEFINITELY worth it! 
Bri: We get asked a lot if the experience was worth it. It is one of the hardest things you will ever do but it's absolutely worth it. Give it everything you've got!

It's clear that their journey on Shark Tank was not just about securing a deal—it was about resilience, dedication, and the unwavering support of loved ones. Bri and Kaycee’s story reminds us that chasing dreams often requires sacrifice and hard work, but the rewards are immeasurable. Next time you slide on your Apolla Socks… remember that we aren't just a business… but we are an innovation that was started by two moms, and the dedication of their families and loved ones.

We hope you enjoyed this Behind the Scenes look with our CEO & COO of Apolla Performance! More interviews are on their way, thanks for supporting our small business.

Brianne Zborowski CEO, Taylor Jenkins Blog Editor, Kaycee Jones COO


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