You Are What You Eat, Energetically Speaking with Kristin Deiss

You Are What You Eat, Energetically Speaking with Kristin Deiss

You Are What You Eat, Energetically Speaking

by Kristin Deiss

“You are what you eat.”  I just ate some carrots, so… does that mean I’m going to turn orange and sprout some greens from the top of my head?  Probably not.  But what it does mean is that carrot is part of me now – including the energy attached to it.  Read to find out more about why you are what you eat, energetically speaking.

Ever heard of that expression, “Made with love?”  Ever heard of that expression with regard to food? 

What about “soul food” or “comfort food?” 

There is no denying that certain foods really do make us feel better.  And an experiment conducted by Birds Eye Peas shows that it actually tastes better too!

Whether indulging in warm, gooey mac and cheese after a tough day or pouring a big bowl of chicken noodle soup at the first sign of a cough, we have all experienced the comfort that food can provide. Food can hold certain memories from our lives, or remind us of certain people, explaining how we may feel comforted by certain foods that we consume, but believe it or not, food can also transfer energy!

“Yea, duh,” you might be thinking right now.  “Of course food gives us energy, that’s why we eat it.”  But think for a moment about the implications of that idea. 

If food is for us, at its most fundamental level, a source of energy, then, given everything we know about energy, touch, and intent, it would follow that food can actually transfer both positive and negative energy. 

I’ll give you a moment to digest that… pun definitely intended….

Food can hold and transfer both positive and negative energy?

Yep, you got it.  You are what you eat, energetically speaking.

“I just want a home-cooked meal.” 

Most, if not all, of us have expressed that thought at one time or another.  What is it about home-cooked meals that we crave? 

I would argue that one of the major reasons we crave that dining experience is due to our connotations of the phrase “home-cooked.”  Regardless of who is doing this “home-cooking,” (mother, grandfather, cousin, uncle, etc.) or what they are cooking (lasagna, pot roast, Thanksgiving dinner… I’m getting hungry… ), they are all using the same ingredient: love. 

Now I know this sounds corny, and maybe even a little bit like an Olive Garden commercial, but home-cooked meals are bursting with so much love energetically, that we actually crave those foods for that very reason. 

Because when we eat a home-cooked meal, we feel loved. 

We not only consume the food that we eat, but also the energy attached to it!

So, the next time you whip up a dish for a potluck, throw a dinner party for friends (outside and socially distanced of course), or even prepare a single meal for yourself, make sure you are putting nothing but love and positivity into the meal, because it DOES matter.  

Rinsing an apple?  “I am so grateful for the great apple harvest this season.” 

Chopping an onion?  “I love onion so much I could cry…” (yes… another pun). 

Sautéing shrimp? “I hope that whoever eats this shrimp feels wonderful afterward.” 

You certainly don’t have to say these things out loud, but you should be thinking positively! 

(Although in my family, it’s become quite the tradition that we all exclaim, “I make this with love!” every Christmas Eve as we wash, dry, then tear about six heads of Romaine lettuce for my father's infamous Caesar Salad.  Though I think that tradition stemmed mostly from the frustration of having to wash, dry, then tear six heads of Romaine lettuce.)   

Remember: you are what you eat, energetically speaking!  So why not make food with the same love and positivity that you would like to receive from it? 

What is your go-to comfort food?  How does it make you feel loved?  I’d love to hear from you!  Let us know by dropping a comment below.

Kristin Deiss is a dancer, educator, yogi, healer, and mom trying to live her best life through helping others improve theirs. 
She holds an MFA in Dance Performance and Choreography from Tisch School of the Arts at NYU and is a certified yoga teacher, Reiki Master, and Integrated Energy Practitioner.
Kristin is currently the Commercial Dance Chair at Hussian College Los Angeles and writes about overcoming failure on Stir the Sage.  For inspiration, laughs, and cute pics of her toddler, follow her on Instagram.
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